Browsing: Maths

What is the Absolute Value? The absolute value of a number refers to its distance from zero on the number…

What is the Radius of a Circle? Radius is the line segment drawn from the centre of circle to any…

In the realm of geometry, the cube and cuboid are two important three-dimensional shapes. They are widely encountered in various…

What are 3D Shapes? 3D shapes, also known as three-dimensional shapes, are geometric figures that have three dimensions: length, width,…

Descending Order Descending order means arranging things, i.e., numbers, lengths, and quantities, etc from largest to the smallest. For example:…

Surface area of Cuboid We know that surface of a cuboid consists of six rectangular faces. The sum of the…

Linear Equation An equation in which the highest power of the variable is called a linear equation. A linear equation…